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Marc Caruso

With the start of the New Year, Angry Mob Music Group’s CEO, Marc Caruso, has taken the time to share three self-reflective objectives to become a “better” person. From the sound of these, it looks as if the Grand Master hasn’t aligned his chakra.

This intimate and personalized look into Marc’s resolutions conjures the motivation to do our own soul searching.   Watch out Deepak Chopra, Angry Mob just might have our next spiritual guru!

  1. Be Present

These days, we all live in a constantly connected world. At any second of the day our friends, family, co-workers, reach out to us via text, email, Facetime or Snapchat. Our devices are an extension of ourselves that give others an easy way to remotely engage us. And in many cases, that’s a great thing. A quick work fire to put out. A quick question from your kid. Whatever it is, it is so easy to pick up your device when you hear that ring. My resolution is the opposite. To be absolutely present when I am in the presence of someone. Whatever is pinging, my phone will not take precedent over the value of interaction with a living, breathing human. People have been trained over the years to not answer calls when in a live conversation with someone but will check emails and texts in the middle of that very same conversation. I resolve to try to be present, to put my eyes, ears and mind on the person sitting right in front of me. (See Also: Live Concerts)

  1. Read More

Sure, we all read a lot. The internet has trained us to quickly consume information in tiny, digestible bites. Consume a bit of news here, a video clip there, and then constantly seek out more to consume. So much so that I’m already mindful of the paragraph length in my first resolution (“Is it too wordy? Will anyone read passed the second sentence? Am I losing readers in this current paragraph with everything I’m typing in this parenthetical?”). My second resolution is to read more at length – Fictional novels, autobiographies, self-help books, anything long-form. I miss the days of ending each night knocking out a couple chapters in a novel. A thrilling page-turner you couldn’t put down was Netflix binge watching before there was the internet. Yes, time existed before the internet. Despite what you may have heard, the internet wasn’t the Big Bang.

  1. Reconnect

My last resolution is to reconnect with people who I’ve lost touch with. Be it a distant family member, a former colleague, a childhood friend. As life goes on, our personal and business network grows. And they can grow big, very big. To the fault of no one, we many times only see and engage with those immediately around us. Busy lives are just that way. My resolution is to make a list of people who I haven’t spoken to in a number of years and reconnect with them. One by one I hope to speak to them, meet with them, catch up with them in some form or fashion. As we drive through life and keep our eyes on the road ahead, we must be mindful to keep looking in our rear view mirror to not forget where we came from.

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